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The reason why minions are popular

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Everybody has heard about minions. Although vaguely, but minions look like Twinkies with the addition of arms and legs.  They also talk in a language which seems to be understood by them only. Yet of all these things, minions are one of the most popular phenomena that have come along in the last decades or so. Not all people are very fond of minions. Some believe that minions are annoying and they should go away while there are others who just love the Tic-Tac shaped figures. These little creatures are famous not only among the children but also among the adults too. No matter you love it or hate it, but you can simply stop talking about it. There are various reasons behind the popularity of the minions.

No agenda

Minions do not have any set agenda. This may sound a little odd but this is very true. There are no evil plans of the minions on their own. They follow certain other creatures and are completely reliant on them. These creatures that the minions follow show them the things or way which needs to be done. When granted, minions try to do things on their own but that doesn’t go the same way that they want. They always need guidance so as to complete the work. If anyone needs help from the minions, they need to be extra careful of the assistance that the minions provide.

Spreads happiness

The entire reason for minions to exist is to help others. They have a very helping nature and seem to lack an evil bone in their body. It is an unrealistic idea for any character for a film but the minions are always pleasers. They try very hard to make someone’s life easier and avoid doing something which can make someone unhappy. Minions are very playful are trying to please everyone around them. They just like having a good time with themselves as well as the others. To some people, they may seem annoying but the main motive of the minions is to make everyone laugh. The ways may be different but the motive is the same.


Minions are a great character. It is almost obvious that you have heard about minions at least once in your life. But if you haven’t seen any of the movies of the minion, you should definitely watch it. It is sure to tickle the funny bone in your body. In addition, if you are too much obsessed with minions, you can buy minion accessories from the online minion store. These stores have a huge collection of stuff that is related to minions. You can have a look at it. You may find many other things which you are sure to like.
